Monday 20 August 2012

Adobe Illustrator Items

These are a few items I created working with Adobe Illustrator.
 These are some body wash labels I created.(above)
 Above, there is the book cover I created for the story "the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".
 This is my CD Back and Cover.
 This was a challenge. This is my "Earth-Day" Poster. We had to get the point across using images only  (no text).
 The Swatch Project. We had to trace/ draw 3 Swatch watches.
 Here's another watch that I traced/ drew using shapes and the Pen tool.
This was fun. It's 2 packages of tea for a client called "Silk Road Tea Co."

Colourizing a Black & White Photo

For one of our projects in the CGD course, our task was to find an old black& white photo, and colour it. This is a vintage photo of the Queen, in black and white.
 This is the same photo, with colour that I added.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Adobe Photoshop

These are some things I've made in Adobe Photoshop

 I found the creepy kid picture on the internet and turned him into an alien for my "made-up" movie poster.
Made-up Movie poster
Project called "My famous friend". We had to insert a photo of ourselves into a picture of a celebrity.